Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Marriage and Waleema according to the Sunnah

When the groom is hosting a Waleema, it is not necessary for him to serve meat dishes. Even something as simple as dates an juice will suffice because the purpose of the Waleema is to express one's gratitude to Allaah. The Ahadeeth make it clear that a marriage should be as simple as possible and according to what a person can afford. This is necessary because marriage signifies the building of a home and not the destruction of a home (which is the case when people are forced to cater beyond their means).

The manner in which Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم married the queen of Jannah Hadhrat Faatima رضي الله عنها is a lesson for the world. Ummu Salma رضي الله عنها and Aaisha رضي الله عنها both report that Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم asked the two of them to prepare Hadhrat Faatima رضي الله عنها and take her to her  Husband Sayyidina Ali رضي الله عنه. Consequently, the two of them went to the house where Faatima رضي الله عنها was to reside and spread the soft sand of “Bat'haa" on the ground so that their bedding may be spread on soft ground. They also placed two pillows there, which they personally filled with the bark of a date palm.
For the Waleema, they served dates, water and a sweet drink prepared from dates to the people present. When this was over, they placed a stick in the couples room so that they could hang their clothing or a water bag on it. After narrating this, they added that they never saw a marriage better than that of Faatima رضي الله عنها .(ibn Majah pg.616)

This was the home and marriage of the woman whom Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم described as the queen of Jannah. It was strikingly simple and without stress. However, we have burdened ourselves with the difficulty of hosting elaborate functions, making life difficult for everyone else. Because marriage is one of the necessities of life, it ought to be kept extremely simple so that every person may find it easy.

It is therefore quite obvious that the marriage of Faatima رضي الله عنها did not feature any elaborate feasts coupled with an expensive bridal suite in silk and velvet. The food and the preparation were most simple so that every member of the Ummah until Qiyamah may find it easy to emulate.

However, one will scarcely find people today who are prepared to emulate the simplicity of Rasoolullah صلي الله عليه وسلم 's life. Instead of being proud to emulate his lifestyle, many wretched people actually feel ashamed to do so. One should bear in mind that if Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم wanted to host an elaborate wedding ceremony for his youngest daughter, he could have easily done so. However, he chose the simplest route for the convenience of the Ummah; so that they do not have to tire themselves in this effort and rather concentrate their wealth and efforts in the propagation of the Deen. It is rather foolish of Muslims to opt for the difficult ways of the kuffaar instead of the easy way of life that Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم lived.

It is obvious that the pomp and extravagance with which many Muslims host wedding functions is all done for name and show. Allaah and his Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم despise any action done for the purpose of show. Concerning those who behave extravagantly (obviously for show), Allaah says in the Quraan Kareem “Without doubt, the extravagant ones are brothers of the shayateen.”

When Allaah grants a person wealth, this wealth is a test for him and on the day of Qiyaamah, Allaah will question him about the avenues in which he spent this wealth. One's wealth should be spend only as the Shari'ah prescribes.

Squandering money on elaborate wedding ceremonies is not condemned only in the eyes of the Shari’ah, but even common society realises that this is an evil and a great wastage. Muslims should realize that it is futile to destroy the lives of people for a day's frolicking. It is like someone burning the home of another to ashes merely to build a house of his own. He may enjoy the house very much, but will soon have to wake up to reality and find that someone else is burning down his house to build  one of his own.

It is therefore the responsibility of every Muslim to follow the lifestyle of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and to encourage the world to do the same so that the rot and evils invading society are quickly weeded out. In fact, it has always been the Muslims who have been responsible for bringing the world out of darkness and into light. The purpose of a Muslim in this world is not to frolic in its pleasures and vanities. What the world needs is for the Muslim Ummah to rise to the occasion and wage Jihad against the foolish customs and traditions that are plaguing people and making their lives a misery.

To Summarize
The blessed lifestyle of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم is long calling to the Muslims, telling them to forsake their false vanities and to adopt the pure practices of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم because this will ensure their success in both worlds. However, if they insist on following the customs of others, they should understand that nothing will be able to check their downfall. One can either be the slave of Allaah or the slave of the ignorant customs. If women take the initiative of eradicating these customs from their lives, they can do so quite effectively and will earn tremendous rewards from Allaah.

The above is an Excerpt from the book 'A Gift to the Bride'  (Tohfa-e-Dulhan)
Compiled by Moulana Muhammed Haneef Abdul Majeed.

Bridal and Baby Showers ~ Advices Of Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel (رحمه لله)

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

There are many customs and trends which have their affiliation with the non-Muslim culture and lifestyle. Many Muslims, due to being afflicted with what appears to be a truly insecure and inferior complex, look towards and choose the customs and trends of the non-Muslims over that of the beautiful Sunnah. It seems as if the need is to secure a kind of acceptance in a non-Muslim society and just blend in with them – so that we are not recognized as Muslims.

Bridal Showers and Baby Showers have become synonymous with the Muslim lifestyle as it is with the rest of the non-Muslim lifestyle. Many may ask: What’s wrong with giving gifts, congratulating the bride-to-be or the new mother, or having a get together with friends?

There is nothing wrong with giving the bride or the new mother, a gift, or congratulating the person. To give a gift and congratulate are from the teachings of Islam – and would draw rewards … but there are conditions to be met in even these noble deeds

What is extremely wrong and objectionable is the background to these good deeds. They are not within the parameters of Shari’ah.

The picture of a typical bridal shower and baby shower is not typical with the Sunnah. It is typical of the non-Muslim way of life. By following suit, we fall into the sin of “Tashabbu bil Kuffaar” (emulating the disbelievers). It is aligning oneself with those who have rejected Allah Ta’ala, who live their lives in immorality and disobedience.

Nikah is a great Ibaadah. Pregnancy and the birth of a child also have their requisites in Islam. However, the west has commercialized all of these noble occasions, and made them into money-making events. The sacredness of these occasions is forgotten.

…Today, Nikahs have taken on a distinct mould of a Hollywood or Bollywood style wedding – where the bride is dressed to look like a Christian bride or a Bollywood actress – with no sign of Islam on her; and the groom is dressed in a suit and tie, looking like a typical Christian groom.  
Adding insult to injury is the extravagance and open sin at the time of the wedding and Walimah. One’s mind moves in the direction of the millions and millions who are suffering famine and starvation, who have no home, no water, no food, no clothing – but the Muslim ignores all that suffering just for some fleeting attention and praise.
All those hundreds of thousands of Rands wasted on draping a hall, on dressing the chairs, on wine glasses, on musicians, photography, on wedding cards that are thrown away, etc.  is money, which could have been the means of alleviating the plight of so many suffering people.

One brother handed me an elaborate invitation card for his daughter’s wedding. I enquired as to the cost of the wedding card, and was told that each card cost R50. Advising him, I told him that almost all people throw away wedding cards. People generally dispose of them. So he should regard that as people throwing away hundreds of his R50 notes. Would he throw R50 notes into a bin? No. However, the throwing away of those cards is equal to throwing away R50 notes. That same money could have been used in making the Aakhirah. 

Even those who are known to be religious will waste thousands on halls, on décor, etc. sacrificing the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala and Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam). Those who were meant to set the noble example of the Sunnah, who we expect are living the Sunnah – knowingly choose to forsake the Sunnah.  Simplicity, which is part of Imaan, is a rare sight in these times.  

Hazrat ‘Ayesha (Radhiyallahu ‘anha) related that Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said:Verily, the most blessed Nikah is that which involves the least difficulty (expenditure).'

We have a perfect Sunnah – a perfect way of life in the life of our Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) and in the lives of his companions, men and women. We have what is superior to all other cultures yet we consider everything else. It shows great weakness if we give preference to the culture of the Christians, Jews and Idolators over the noble Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam). We are exchanging diamonds for stones… and what an unprofitable exchange this is! What a great loss!

Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) said: “Whoever emulates a nation is from amongst them.”
In another Hadith, it is stated: “A person is with whom he loves.”
Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa-Sallam) also said that we will be raised on the Day of Judgment with those whom we imitate in this worldly life. (May Allah Ta’ala save us from such disgrace and humiliation.)

Emulating the non-Muslim culture is one downfall but there are many more that are found in the Bridal and Baby Showers.
The non-Muslims have coined a novel concept of begging – especially amongst the upper-class.  It seems as if some, from amongst the wealthy, have developed an art to begging. They even have a name for it. In the name of Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, Registries, people gracefully and politely extend their hands, and they ask and take from others.

The bride-to-be chooses her gifts from exclusive stores that offer a “registry” or she unashamedly hands out a list of those items she wants gifted to her. In the process, she places pressure and financial difficulty and sometimes a great burden on others - to purchase those gifts that she has chosen.
At the get-together, these gifts and other gifts are presented to the bride-to-be, who opens them and shows them to all present – and each person can assess the kind of money that was spent on the gift given. Let us now consider the various wrongs in this act:

·      A person is forced to purchase gifts that the bride has chosen – which may be beyond her budget in spending.

·     A person who gives something simple or inexpensive will feel ashamed and embarrassed, considering the manner in which gifts are being received and shown to others. 

The Hadith encourages giving gifts because giving gifts creates Muhabbah (love). If Muhabbah is not created then this proves that either the giver or receiver in insincere. Sometimes, people give with intentions other than expressing their Muhabbah. However, there are many who request or are desirous of receiving and there is a kind of greed from the receiving side. This request or expectation (Ishraaf) reveals insincerity from the one who is receiving.

A gift must be given happily and willingly – and should be received graciously and thankfully. This is the Sunnah. However, when we ask of people, as in the case of registries, etc. – people will give, but they give unhappily and unwillingly. And if some gift is given, which is not to our liking, then we receive it without any appreciation and thanks. This is our lamentable condition.

Another aspect that has also been brought to attention is the immorality and shamelessness at such gatherings – with indecent talk, shameless dressing by Muslim women, inappropriate games, music, dancing and such filthy entertainment, that we would not want to bring on to our tongues. It is not permissible for a person to attend such gatherings. The Shari'ah instructs us:


Moreover, a person's presence is aiding in promoting and glorifying what is not permissible. We are told not to assist each other in sin; rather to assist in what is righteous:

"Help each other in righteousness and piety, and do not help each other in sin and aggression."
[Surah Al-Maa'idah 5 : 2]

A bride-to-be is known for her modesty and shyness – but all of this is lost in adopting the culture of the non-Muslims. Their dressing and their fashion nurtures immodesty. Added to this, these sins are publicized and photographs are taken and uploaded on social media – for all and sundry to view the level of our degeneration.

The heart bleeds at this miscarriage of the Sunnah. …Nay, this abortion of the Sunnah. How will we meet our Beloved Nabi (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) on the Day of Judgment? How will we show our faces to the one whose entire life was sacrificed so that today we be the reciters of the Kalimah?

May Allah Ta’ala have mercy upon us since we stand to lose by adopting this culture. If we continue in this line and direction, we will lose the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala and we will lose the great rewards for enlivening and practising the Sunnah. 

We also stand to lose the companionship of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayh wasallam) at the fountain of Kauthar on the Day of Judgment and even stand to lose the success of our marriages due to having sacrificed the beautiful, noble Sunnah by means of our emulation of the Hollywood and Bollywood culture.

If our allegiance is to Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam), then there should be no delay in repentance and mending our ways and coming back to what is pure and beautiful – Islam and the Sunnah. In this, is the success of both worlds. 

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the understanding, the concern and the Taufeeq of Aml. 

by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

Taken From

Friday, October 20, 2017

My Habib ❤ My Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم ❤

Jaabir (Radi Allahu Anhu ) said:
I was once with Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم on a night of the full moon. I would look at the moon and then at Rasoolullah صلي الله عليه وسلم trying to decide which was more radiant. Finally, I came to the conclusion that Muhammed was more radiant, handsome an beautiful than the full moon. (Shamaa'il Tirmidhi)

Looking at the moon today, I find myself contemplating about the beauty of My Nabi صلى الله علىه وسلم. How would it be to set eyes on his blessed countenance. Would these eyes of mine be able to behold such beauty, or would they go blind were they to witness such splendour.
Then I think, are my eyes even worthy of such an honour, are they worthy of gazing upon such a Mubarak face. The truth is, they are not. Yet my heart still yearns to see him صلى عليه وسلم to look at him صلى الله علىه وسلم , even if it is just once.
How blessed are those who got to be in his صلى الله علىه وسلم Mubarak gatherings. To sit with him, to eat with him, to learn from him صلى الله علىه وسلم.
I wish I could travel back in time so that I too could have had the good fortune of sitting in his صلى الله علىه وسلم presence.
So that I too could witness his impeccable character and unparalleled kindness.
So that I could hear for myself his eloquent speech.

If only, if only, I could get the opportunity to gaze at his Mubarak countenance even just once.
My heart yearns to see my beloved صلى الله علىه وسلم.
The one who cried for you and I. Made du’aa for you and I.
Worried about you and I, even though he never saw us.
Ya Rabbi Ummati!
That was his cry, repeatedly.
Even on the day of resurrection, when every soul will be worried only about themselves, Ya Rabbi Nafsi Nafsi will be the cry of everyone, including the Ambiya عليه السلام… Except my beloved Nabi صلى الله علىه وسلم.
His cry will be Ya Rabbi Ummati Ummati.

How can I not yearn to meet him, how can I not wish to gaze upon his blessed face.
I wish I had been a branch on a tree in the time of Nabi صلى الله علىه وسلم  so that I could've had the honour of granting him shade.
Or a camel so that I could've been the one to be his mode of transport, moving from place to place.
Even if I had been a grain of sand and I was trampled upon by his mubarak feet. That too, would have indeed been an honour.
But, I remind myself that I am honoured to be chosen by Allaah Ta’aala as an Ummati. Whilst all the above inanimate creation will not be with Nabi صلى الله علىه وسلم   in the hereafter, I have great hope that, Inshaa Allaah, through the grace and mercy of Allaah Ta'aala I will be with him in Jannah.
I may not have been blessed with the honour of being among those who saw or served him in this world.
But, if I live my life according to his beloved sunnah and teachings, through Allaah's mercy I will be with him Jannah.
And in Jannah, If I wish, I can gaze at him forever.

Oh Allaah grant me the ability to live according to Nabi صلى الله علىه وسلم's Sunnah and reunite me with him in Jannatul Firdows. Aameen

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